Monthly Archives: July 2008

>They came, they conquered, they slept

> Oceanside Craft Mafia members, Alicia (Hi Octane Jewelry) and Leah (Peez & Ques) are tired after a great weekend in San Francisco for the Renegade Craft Fair. Saturday and Sunday at the first West Coast Renegade event was awesome! Lots of enthusiasm from vistors, great smiles and products from vendors and groovy tunes from […]

>Renegades in San Francisco

> Renagade FINALLY is hitting the West Coast! We are glad to announce the Rengade Craft Fair hosts its first annual “west side” event this month at Fort Mason in San Francisco. To say Renegade’s arrival to the West Coast was highly anticipated would be a gross understatement! Events in Chicago, and New York boasts […]